Compatible with iOS 4 and 5

SwitcherSettings allows you to have your settings toggles when you open your application switcher. SwitcherSettings comes with a default set of toggles, but is also fully compatible with all your SBSettings toggles, and present them directly directly into iOS, offering a native user experience : a quick access to your settings, exactly like Apple would have coded it. And don't mention respringing after removing, adding or reordering toggles. Every time you install a new toggle in Cydia, it will be available in the app switcher right away. And it's retro-compatible for all the toggles you already have.

SwitcherSettings is compatible with iOS 4 (v1) and iOS 5 (v1.5), both on the iPad and the iPhone, for both retina and legacy display.

This tweak does NOT install a custom icon on the SpingBoard : double tap your home button to see it in action.

You can add your custom icons to /User/Library/SwitcherSettings/Images/

Tap the name of a toggle to invoke the "hold" action.

Tap the amount of free memory to free more memory.

Tap an IP address to add it to the clipboard

See bigger screenshots below!

View All Screenshots

- Corrected a bug that would make the window blurry on retina displays

- Fixed a bug where the rotation on the iPad would not be detected properly

- Fixed a graphic issue that might occur when the tweak is activated

Updated February 15, 2012
License Commercial Package
Suggested Price $ 2.49
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