微信炫铃(Tiny Tones)是一款用于修改微信提示音的免费软件。支持所有iOS越狱设备!
Tiny Tones is a tweak with which you can customize the alert tones of your WeChat in a second. With hundreds of different kinds of selected tones, you will find your favorite and make yourself truly unique.
1. 让自己的微信铃音不再是又短又小又腻的三全音,防止出现听到被人iPhone的“噔噔噔”,误以为是自己的微信消息的尴尬。
2. 根据自己喜好设置最中意的个性化微信铃声,拒绝枯燥,拒绝千篇一律,拒绝一成不变,体现个性与品位。
请注意:本版本是微信炫铃的Lite版本,最多只能下载5款优美铃音作为您的微信提示音。您可以下载微信炫铃Free版(Tiny Tones在Cydia中搜索微信炫铃,找到其他非Bigboss源中的包即可),免费下载您喜欢的所有铃音。
It should be noted that this is a lite version of Tiny Tones, by which you can acquire at most 5 favorite tones. If you want get more tones, please use Tiny Tones.
See larger Screenshots below..