Compatible with iOS 9

With the introduction of iOS 9 and iPhone 6s(+), Apple created, and opened up to developers, 3D touch actions on applications. Unfortunately some apps were neglected or never updated with this feature.

Welcome to Traverse. Traverse allows users to create 3D touch actions for applications directly on their device and assign URL schemes to the respected action. In the settings, Traverse offers a unique interface to add the actions all that is required is the title of the action, a subtitle, the app bundleID and the url scheme. Traverse offers actions based on keywords (not case sensitive) too:

Respring - title and url should be “respring”
Shutdown - title and url should be “shutdown”
Reboot - title and url should be “reboot”

If you device does not have 3D touch natively, check out revealMenu on Cydia.

Configure options from Settings.


- iOS 9.2-9.3.2 support
Updated July 27, 2016
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