This tweak displays a warning image when a user's device is in the recording mode and their phone's device is vertically oriented. The user can still record if they choose to but they will at least be aware of what they are doing.The goal is to help stop people from filming vertical videos.

To change the warning image, goto "Library/MobileSubstrate/ DynamicLibraries/VVS.bundle" and change the image with your own. Make sure the name is "Warning.png".

Backup your current display image because the update may overwrite what you have in the bundle currently.

Warning images can now be found in /Library/Application Support/VerticalVideoSyndromeSettings/VerticalVideoSyndromeSettings.bundle. This change was made to allow easier skinning with Winterboard.The images in the bundle are of different sizes and corresponds to the resolution of your device.

As far as I know:
@3x: iPhone 6 Plus
@2x: iPhone 6,5s,5,4s,4,iPad 3(and above), iPad Mini 2(and above)

The rest of the devices such as the iPad 2 or iPad Mini use @1x, thus you would modify 'Warning.png'

Add me on twitter for any comments or concerns: @Fewjative


-Updated for iOS8
-Updated default display warning image
-Can toggle the tweak on and off quickly from the Settings application
Updated December 1, 2014
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