Compatible with iOS 8 and 9.

VolumePanel lets you control the volume of each of your apps individually. It can be accessed via the control center, or an activator action. Note that app switcher tweaks that modify the control center could cause it to either not display or display incorrectly, in which case you can still use an activator action. See configuration options below.

Note: VolumePanel auto adjusts the volume when switching between apps; it doesn't allow for multiple different app volumes simultaneously.

- Location: Choose the corner where the volume panel accessor icon will appear in the control center media section.
- Auto Color Sliders: Auto color the slider based on the app's icon color.
- Unified Volume: Unify the device and headphone volume, so that one slider changes both.
- Show All Apps: Show volume sliders for all apps on your device, not just the recently opened (determined from app switcher).
- Disabled Apps: Choose specific apps to disable if Show All Apps is selected.
- Activation Methods: Select alternate methods of accessing VolumePanel.

See more Screenshots below..

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- Users can now choose specific apps to disable if Show All Apps is selected
- Fixed bug where some apps would be missing if Show All Apps is selected
- If activated with an activator gesture, open app now doesn't close if you close VolumePanel with the home button
- If activated with an activator gesture, VolumePanel can now be closed with the same gesture used to open it
- If activated with an activator gesture, VolumePanel can now be closed by tapping or swiping down

Compatibility with Curago tweak

iOS 9.3.3 compatibility update

Updated September 2, 2016
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Suggested Price $ 1.49
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