Requires iOS 8 & HealthKit capability.

WakeTrace, the first jailbreak application for HealthKit.

Do you have Health App on your device? Maybe you noticed that you have a sleep section, but you don't know how to add sleep data automatically yet.. It could be harmful for you and your phone leaving the device switched on all night long with certain apps running.. Use WakeTrace! WakeTrace is a tweak that, every time you are about to turn off your phone (or you are enabling Airplane mode, or better, you call an Activator action), asks you if it can record that precise moment. This is the idea: calling WakeTrace's function whenever you're going to sleep. Couldn't be easier! WakeTrace will ask you when you unlock the device if you want to store the start and the end of the sleep time directly in the Health app! Track your sleep and make your Health information complete.

Let WakeTrace take care of your health. It's worth it.

After installing I suggest you to open immediately WakeTrace app in order to grant access to HealthKit app. Then see WakeTrace instructions in the


- Added Activator dependency

- Removed social links in settings
- Fixed an issue with airplane mode (WakeTrace didn't request to add data without a respring)

- Increased stability
- Added Activator listener
- Fixed a bug with "Clear cache" option in settings
- Fixed a bug with Airplane mode trigger which displayed the WakeTrace alert without recognizing if Airplane mode was enabled or not

- Added header image in settings
- Added Airplane trigger
- Added Airplane mode and Shutdown mode switches in settings

Updated January 11, 2015
License Commercial Package
Suggested Price $ 1.99
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