This product is no longer available for purchase. Contact the author if you have questions.
WiFiFoFum Pro has been rebuilt from scratch and designed for iOS 7 & 8. It supports all iOS 7 & 8 devices, including the iPhone 5s, 6 and retina iPad mini, and is arm64 compatible.
WiFiFoFum scans for 802.11 wireless (Wi-Fi) networks and displays information about each network it detects, including: SSID, MAC, RSSI (signal strength), noise, channel, AP mode, security mode and available transmission rates. WiFiFoFum also allows you to connect to networks you find. WiFiFoFum detects all Wi-Fi networks your hardware supports, including 802.11b/g, 802.11n, infrastructure, ad hoc, open, secure and hidden networks.
This premium version includes advanced logging tools, with a live surveying map view that plots access points and your path as your wardrive. Logs can later be exported in KMZ format, which can then be viewed in other applications on your device such as Google Earth, shared to Dropbox or emailed so that you may view them on your desktop or laptop. WiFiFoFum's radar view provides a graphical representation of scanned Wi-Fi access points and a table summarising the radio channels that are in use, allowing you to make the best decision when configuring your own access point. iOS 7 only.
See larger Screenshots below..