Zoom With 1 Thumb
Compatible with iOS 4.3 ~ 9

ZW1T單指縮放 和iOS 4.3 ~ 9相容

Help user read more easily.


"Tap to Zoom" and "Drag to Zoom" enable user to conveniently display what user wants to see completely and at the maximum size in available screen space.


"Tap to Zoom"


When what user wants to see is an image or a paragraph of text, the many gestures of "Tap to Zoom" give user many zooming functions to choose from, in order to display the image, text, or other item on web page most suitably.


"Drag to Zoom"


When what user wants to see is only part of an image or other item, "Tap to Zoom" may not happen to maximize the part that user wants to see.


"Drag to Zoom" gives user ways to manually zoom in or out in order to maximize just the part of interest.


When double tapping and holding down the 2nd tap to drag, the zoom center is indicated on screen by a blue dot.


The easiest way to explain how "Drag to Zoom" zooms in and out is to imagine a finger being held down at the zoom center such that the user only needs to drag one finger to "pinch to zoom".


ZW1T can work in many apps where pinch to zoom works and even works on some web sites where pinch to zoom doesn't work.
Download ZW1T Lite for free to use "Tap to Zoom" in apps compatible with ZW1T.
"Settings" ➔ "ZW1T Lite" serves as a basic electronic manual with detailed descriptions of all features.

免費下載ZW1T Lite精簡版,就能在和ZW1T相容的App裡使用「單指點擊縮放」。
「設定」➔「ZW1T Lite」基本上就是簡易電子說明書,有全部功能的詳細說明。

By the way, I pronounce ZW1T like zwit because 1 looks like I and ZW1T is sweet!.


ZW1T and ZW1T Lite can not be installed at the same time.
Normally, installing one will automatically uninstall the other.
If you have both installed somehow, many apps will crash on launch.
Uninstall both from Cydia or SSH before reinstalling only one can fix the crashes.


See larger Screenshots below..

View All Screenshots

1.2.0: May 2, 2016
NEW "Adjust Text Size (Web)"
NEW Detect image size in BookWalker, ComicWalker, LINE Manga, & Tong Li eBook
NEW ZW1T works in more places
FIX LINE Manga crash when showing manga
FIX myMail crash on launch
FIX News crash when opening web links
FIX "Drag to Zoom", mini map, & scrolling issues in Photos on iOS 9
FIX "Zoom Below Min Size" & mini map issues in Chrome on iPhone (>= v48.0.2564.87)
Avoid compatibility issues between BookWalker & ZW1T

1.2.0: 2016年5月2日
全新自動偵測BookWalker、ComicWalker、LINE Manga和Tong Li eBook的圖片大小
修正LINE Manga開啟漫畫時當掉的問題
修正在iOS 9 Photos內「單指拖曳縮放」、小地圖和捲動功能的問題
修正在iPhone上Chrome內(>= v48.0.2564.87)「縮放低於最小限度」和小地圖的問題
Updated May 2, 2016
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