
Want to quickly show off a picture on your iPhone or iPod Touch? Then FastPhotoLibrary is for you. Just assign an activation method--for example, status bar double tap--and instantly launch FastPhotoLibrary from any application including the lock screen.

Similar to the native Photos application, the interface allows you to browse your photo albums, send MMSes, assign pictures to contacts, and more.

Available in the Cydia App Store for $1.49.

Watch the following video (YouTube ) for a demonstration of FastPhotoLibrary.

Follow--or visit--me on twitter (Follow kb1ooo) to keep informed of updates, fixes, and announcements.

FastPhotoLibrary assigns to use double-tap of the statusbar by default. You can change or assign this gesture or action using `Activator`. Go into the Settings app and find the Activator section. Use the options to configure and choose which type of action will trigger FastPhotoLibrary

See More Info below for Screen shots