===== USAGE ===== (please read it all, if you happen to ask me about something that is written here, I won't repeat myself, will point you back here):
- Springjumps (free) (for the navigation bar)
- Gridlock (paid) (to allow you to place icon in any position on your springboard)
- WeatherIcon (free) (to display the weather in the digital display. Uses early version of native weather by Subywrex and Durben.)
- Clockhide (free) (to hide the lockscreen clock)
- Wallpaper JPEGifier (to select lock/wall from Settings)
This would be the bare minimum to run and enjoy the theme. However, for a more complete and better experience, you should also consider these:
- Springtomize (paid) (to allow you to hide the statusbar icons, to get the clean look you see in the screenshots, and also another very nice feature for nav layouts, lock icon moving. This prevents moving your icons around when you got your setup done.
- Iconoclasm (paid) (to allow you to have 5 icons on the springboard shelf, and allow you to run custom 4x3 or 5x3 layouts for FolderEnhancer.)
- Infinidock (paid) (if you choose to run iconoclasm 5 icons layouts, you should also increase your dock to 5 icons with infinidock. If you have springtomize, there is no need to get infinidock, as springtomize can do this.)
- FolderEnhancer (paid) to display the better looking folder. Should be used together with iconoclasm for optimal usage.
- Anicons (paid) (so you can get the nice battery, 3g and wifi meter in the digital display, and other nice icons. Please note, under iOS 5.1.1, anicons is pretty broken, the meters work, but tapping any icons will result in a crash. Trying to reach the dev to get the extension updated.)
- Useful Icons (paid) (you cannot install Useful Icons at the same time as Anicons, since their Airplane icons conflict (same name)... useful icons have no meters, but include 13 useful icons to have in the display. You could maybe install both by removing the airplane.app on the first installed, and trying to install the second.. haven't tried it myself yet.)
- Snowcover 4 (free) (extension that displays album art on the lockscreen while playing music, and allows swipe controls.
- MusicBarExtended (paid) (displays a nice player anywhere and in any apps. Highly suggested. Works perfect on any iOS version up to 5.1.1)
- Twicon (free) (adds a tweet icon on the sprinboard, to quickly display the twitter popup and tweet. The icon is themed in the anicons flavor and fits nicely in the digital display of the social page.)
- iPodControl (free) (adds previous, next, play, pause, info icons on the springboard. The icons are themed in the anicons flavor as well and fits nicely in the digital display of the media page.)
- SBSettings (free) (I don't think I had to mention this one, but just in case ... very nice theme for SBSettings included. You should however note that to get the respring, power, etc icons in the dropdown window centered, I had to hard code them in the background window. I had to make the icons taller, so the icons could be lower a bit than usual, but sbsettings resized the icons so they are square, and squished the graphics, not resulting in the wanted behavior. This changes nothing for the dropdown window, but if you use sbsettings in the notification center, you won't be seeing these icons. So you should remove that part from displaying there in sbsettings.)
If you get these extensions, you will be able to reproduce what you see on the screenshots perfectly.
===== USAGE ===== (please read it all, if you happen to ask me about something that is written here, I won't repeat myself, will point you back here):
Note: The package will install 1 wallpaper and lockscreen background to your Wallpapers in Settings.
However, there are many more bundled with the package. You will find them in the EXTRAS dir of the theme dir.
The way iOS handles the wallpapers is different than a regular photo album, and get a lot slower when you have many wallpapers listed in. Adding 60+ images to it would have made it crawl.
Instead, what I did on my iPhone was to set up iTunes to sync a particular folder on my pc (Digital Wallpapers) to my iPhone. So I have my wallpapers listed in an album, and iOS is browsing this album with ease, as it does with regular photo albums.
All of the alternate stuff can be found in the EXTRAS dir of the theme dir.
After installing the required extensions, and those you may wish from the suggested ones, proceed to the setting up part. Do not configure anything by yourself, yet.
===== SETTING UP =====
Note: If you are using iMatte v5 HD as the base theme, the icon's label are hidden by default, so you will need to install (if you haven't already) the icon's label package, and enable any of the included label theme, so you can see the page's label to position them, since the icon's are blank, so they do not show (so with no labels, nothing shows). The navigation bar is hard coded in the background image.
- Iconoclasm -
If you have iconoclasm, you can also install the Iconoclasm package that goes along with the theme. That will add 4 new iconoclasm layouts. 2 for the springboard (set as layout in iconoclasm), and 2 for folderenhancer's folders (set as extras in iconoclasm).
Select your wanted iconoclasm layout before proceeding to setting up the springjumps, otherwise, you will have to redo your layout when you will select a different iconoclasm layout.
- Springjumps -
Before you copy the files, you should remove the original springjumps that are installed by default. You can safely remove the _shortcut_*.app directory already present in /Applications. Do NOT remove the Springjumps.app directory.
You can of course delete those after copying the files, but it might be easier for you to remove them firsthand, so you remove those required, and not those I provide.
Springjumps only offer 1 icon per sb page. You will need 6x more since there is 6 sb pages (home, apps, games, media, tools, social).
I have already created the additional springjumps. All you have to do is copy the directories in INSTALLATION/Additional Springjumps to /Applications.
After you removed the original springjumps and copied those provided, respring your phone and now you will have to position the springjumps as you can see in the springjumps.png image in the INSTALLATION dir of the theme dir.
For reference, each springjumps goes to the same position on each of the 6 sb pages.
Page1 goes to first icon position (from the left) on 2nd row, Page2 goes to 2nd position, Page3 goes to 3rd, Page5 goes to 4th. And that covers the 2nd row.
The third row is where the shelf is. This is where you can place 4 or 5 icons, depending on what you choose. You could also modify the iconoclasm layout, to increase the number to 6 or 7 and use shrink, to shrink the icons...
Page0 goes to first icon position on the 4th row, and Page4 goes to 4th position on the same row. You can place another icon or folder on the 2nd position of the 4th row. The 3rd position is covered by the ribbon, and disabled in the custom iconoclasm layouts.
NOTE: After copying the custom _shortcut_ directories included in INSTALLATION, the Springjumps app might not open anymore when you click on it's icon. Mine does not anyway. But you don't need it, since the only options there is to disable some of the pages you don't need, since it does not auto sense the number of pages used.
- Icons -
If you haven't purchased any of my other premium themes, and never used some custom icons that don't use the system mask to render themselves, then you will need to make a system change in order to display the bundled icons correctly.
I have included an easy to use script, in EXTRAS/IconScript directory. You can use MobileTerminal (from Cydia) to use it, or remotely connect from your computer...
Make sure you have root privileges, since the script is renaming 1 file in /System/Library/ PrivateFrameworks/MobileIcons.framework directory.
Upon starting MobileTerminal, type in:
sudo (gain root privileges)
alpine (default root password)
/Library/Themes/iMatte-LS-SB-Digital.theme/EXTRAS/IconScript/togglemask.sh (run the script)
And that's it.
Upon running, the script will check in the directory mentionned above, for the presence of AppIconMask@2x~iphone.png (or AppIconMask@2x.png for iOS4.x), if present, it means the mask is active, and the script will ask to disable it. No changes are made without your consent. The script does not delete, but rename the file.
Upon running again, the script will notice there is no AppIconMask@2x~iphone.png file but instead an AppIconMask2x~iphone.png (no @), and will ask if you want to enable it.
Easy as pie, safe as it can possibly be.
* NOTE * : You will need to clear cache, (ie: toggle a theme on/off in winterboard) to apply the changes. So, to prevent having to respring 2 times, run the script before you select the wanted icons theme (that needs a mask or not) and then go select that theme in winterboard, and respring from it. This way, you will respring once, and your icons will be working as intended.
This script will work for any themes that requires the system mask to be disabled, not just mine.
* TIPS * : If you will be using the script on a regular basis, because you are switching icon's theme every now and then, you should copy the script in /usr/bin, so it is accessible without typing it's path. After copying it there, you will be able to run the script simply by typing togglemask.sh
You can copy from MobileTerminal (with root), by typing:
cp /Library/Themes/iMatte-LS-SB-Digital.theme/EXTRAS/IconScript/togglemask.sh /usr/bin
- FolderEnhancer -
If you are using FolderEnhancer, you should set it up as you can see in folderenhancer_1-4.png images in the INSTALLATION dir of the theme dir.
- Springtomize -
If you have Springtomize, you should enable lock moving in Icons as seen in springtomize_1.png image.
If you have anicons, you should hide the stock battery, 3g and wifi meter, clock, padlock, and carrier name as seen in springtomize_2-3.png.
Even if you don't have anicons, you can hide those, the battery meter is pretty useless, cause anyway, you will get to 20% eventually and will be notified. Plus you probably charge your iPhone everyday as well..
It's all up to you in the end! The layout is made so the statusbar icons can be displayed or not.
- SBSettings -
Instead of making 7 SBSettings themes, you will find the extra colors in the SBSettings theme dir, which is /var/mobile/Library/SBSettings/Theme/iMatte Digital.
Rename the color you want to BackgroundImage3Row.png and respring.
Activate the theme in SBSettings preferences.
- Anicons, Useful Icons, iPodControl and Twicon -
There is no setup to do if you happen to use any of those. You can position these custom icons in the first row of the springboard. They will fit perfectly in the digital display.
One thing you should know, the battery icon from Anicons is expected to go in the 4th icon position of the 1st row. You can place it on the first page like I did, or on any other page you wish, as long as it's in the correct position.
Each icons packages comes with their own iPodControls. If you wish to have those that comes with the digital edition (the tiny ones that fits in the display) enable the icons theme below the iMatte-LS-SB-Digital theme.
- Snowcover4 -
Install the snowcover4 package and enable in snowcover4 preferences in Settings.
Note: There are many more backgrounds and overlays in the EXTRAS dir of the theme dir. If you want to change the background and/or overlay, copy from the EXTRAS dir to /Library/SC4Themes/iMatte.theme and overwrite those already present. (they are already in EXTRAS, so no need to backup anything)
After copying, no need to respring, you can go to SC4 prefs, select another theme, reselect iMatte and lock your iPhone while playing music. You will see the changes immediately.
- MusicBarExtended -
Install the MBEx package and enable in Winterboard.
Refer to the ReadME!.txt in the MBEx theme dir for additional help on how to install the digital font for it.
In short, copy the font included in the Font dir of the MBEx theme dir, over in /System/Fonts/Cache. (Backup the original font first.)
- Lockscreen Clock Hide -
Enable in Clock Hide preferences in Settings.
- Setting up the widget -
If you want the weather to be displayed, install weathericon from Cydia, and set up your city in the Weather app of your iPhone. The weather displayed in the digital display will come from the first weather location in the Weather app. (uses early version of the native weather by Subywrex and Durben. Simple weather display, with no animation)
You can configure a lot of things by editing the configureMe.js script in the theme dir. The file is very well documented.
* NOTE * : After changing the thumb buttons color and/or language, you will need to manually do a few things.
Inside EXTRAS/Winterboard Pages, you will find 5 directories, named after their language. So for example, if you want to set the language to french, from the default english, you will need to copy Page1-2-3-5@2x.png and the selected colors for Page0 and Page4, to /Library/Themes/ iMatte-LS-SB-Digital.theme, overwriting those already present. No need to do any backups, everything is included in EXTRAS.
If you change language but do not copy the matching Pages for your language, the red bar that appear below the current page in the display will likely not be positionned correctly.
When changing only color, you only have to copy over the matching Page0 and Page4, no need to recopy the Page1-2-3-5.
- Wallpapers -
You no longer change the wallpaper and lockbackground from Settings. Instead you set it all from the configureMe.js script. Have a look, many things got added in there.
Here is a few things to note:
- When you press on a given springjumps, the highlights for Page0, Page4, and the pressed buttons states for Page1-2-3-5 comes from the Winterboard pages support (as of the latest winterboard update).
- There is currently a bug in Winterboard that shifts the Pages up by 40px when you enter editing mode for the icons (wiggle). So whenever you will move icons around, you will need to respring so the pages are displayed properly.
- The Pages images are in the theme dir, and need their non @2x counterpart to work properly. If you remove them, you will not be seeing the Pages anymore. Do not remove.
- The blank Wallpaper@2x.png image in the theme dir must be present. DO NOT DELETE OR CHANGE THAT FILE.
- The theme is made to work without icons labels otherwise you will be seeing the springjumps icon's names.
- To get the respring, power, etc icons in the dropdown window of SBSettings centered, I had to hard code them in the background window. I had to make the icons taller, so the icons could be lower a bit than usual, but sbsettings resized the icons so they are square (as intended), and squished the graphics, not resulting in the wanted behavior. This changes nothing for the dropdown window, but if you use sbsettings in the notification center, you won't be seeing these icons. So you should remove that part from displaying there in sbsettings.)
- The MBEx theme covers up the statusbar. So if you set the activation to a statusbar method, you will need to press home to dismiss MBEx, since the statusbar won't be available for swiping.
- If you purchased any other of my premium themes, you will find alternate stuff in the EXTRAS that matches the icons from the other premiums. Including backgrounds for both Siri themes (Siriscope deluxe and VU Meter pro).
- Enable the icon's theme below the ls-sb-digital theme to get the small iPodControl that fits in the digital display. Enable above to get the iPodControl matching the icon's set.
Note about Icons: Obviously, I do not have 700+ apps installed, and do not have time to look out 550 bundle identifiers, so for the time being, most icons are in an unsorted folders. So browse to your desired icons set and inside you will see the unsorted folder. Copy to your pc to have a look at what's available, and use those you wish for your installed apps.
In order to keep your changes upon updates, you should create yourself your own icons folder, and build your icon sets there. This way, when I will update the sets later, you won't lose those you hand picked.
If you care about having the icons from unsorted being turned into Bundles, you should send me your custom icons folder so I can merge with the set.
It would also be a good place to remind you to visit my other premium theme packages:
- iMatte Premium - Dark Wood edition
- iMatte Premium - Light Wood edition
- iMatte Premium - Metal edition
- iMatte Premium - Bamboo edition
- iMatte Premium - Leather & Denim Edition
- iMatte Premium - Siriscope deluxe
- iMatte Premium - VU Meter Pro
- iMatte Premium - i4 Icon Masks
- iMatte Premium - i5 Icon Masks
- iMatte Premium - MiniPaD Icon Masks
- iMatte Premium - MiniMaK Icon Masks
- iMatte Premium - MaK Folders