
Usage (please read it all, if you happen to ask me about something that is written here, I won't repeat myself, will point you back here):

Note: Inside the Add-on theme directory, you will find the parallax wallpapers. Unfortunately, these cannot be copied to Wallpaper because iOS will resize them, and they won't work with Parallax. Instead, you can either sync them to your camera roll using itunes, or send them with mail, via ifile. Then using mail, save the wallpaper to your camera roll. Apply from settings, and browse from camera roll instead of wallpapers.

Using it should be pretty simple. Enable what you wish in winterboard, above the iMatte or any theme you have selected, and respring. You should be using BackBoard to save your different styles, if you happen to purchase more than one style.

If you choose to use BackBoard, here is something you should know. BackBoard hasn't been updated for iOS5, and it works at 99%. If you happen to switch to a theme preset that haves a different folder/multi-task background, then the cache won't be properly cleaned, and the background will remain of the old preset.

Here is how you should proceed: after applying a theme preset in BackBoard, don't respring when it asks you to, choose cancel. Then open up winterboard, and select/deselect any theme, just to get the respring option upon returning to main menu, and respring. The cache folder will be properly cleaned, and everything will be perfect upon respring.

If you never used custom icons before, like glyphs sets, my fabric icons, and so on, you will need to rename the appicon mask files in /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks /MobileIcons.framework.

Browse to this location, and rename the following files, AppIconMask@2x~iphone.png, AppIconOverlay@2x~iphone.png, AppIconShadow@2x~iphone.png, to something like AppIconMask-bak@2x~iphone.png, and so on. You should not delete them if you wish to revert to using mask later, instead of having to restore your device.

After renaming the files, you should go to winterboard and if you already applied your desired themes, just enable/disable one to get the respring option in the winterboard's main menu, and respring from there. Winterboard will clear the caches and upon respring, you will get proper looking icons.

Obviously, I do not have 550+ apps installed, and do not have time to look out 550 bundle identifiers, so for the time being, most icons are in an unsorted folders. So browse to your desired icons set and inside you will see the unsorted folder. Copy to your pc to have a look at what's available, and use those you wish for your installed apps.

In order to keep your changes upon updates, you should create yourself your own icons folder, and build your icon sets there. This way, when I will update the sets later, you won't lose those you hand picked.

If you care about having the icons from unsorted being turned into Bundles, you should send me your custom icons folder so I can merge with the set.