The Navizon network is based on a collaborative database. Members with a GPS device can use Navizon to map the Wi-Fi and cellular landscape in their neighborhoods. Once they synchronize their data, it is made available to all the other users of the network. This way, users who don't have a GPS device can benefit from a positioning system. And it's free for personal use.
Buddy Finder
With the Buddy Finder, you can see the geographic location of your Buddies, and you can share your whereabouts with your friends or family whenever you want to. Whether you want to make sure your daughter gets to school safely or see where your friends are getting together. The Buddy Finder is the ideal companion!
No Big Brother here:
With Navizon's buddy Finder, only users who are member of your groups, or you have accepted as buddies, can see your location. So you can only be located by the people you want.
If at any time, you don't want anyone to know where you are, you can turn it off altogether by unchecking "Send location", or setting your device to "Appear Invisible". My Trail Keep track of where your iPhone has been.