
SpringVibe is the biggest iPhone/iTouch vibration bundle on Cydia! SpringVibe has over 43 vibration methods, and 15 different sounds. You can choose to have one or the other for vibration(iPhone only), or sounds(iPhone and iTouch). This package is what all you users have been waiting for. SpringVibe makes items vibrate for better feed back from your iPhone, have sounds for extreme feedback from your iPhone or iTouch, for better touching results, and for reassurance of your touch. SpringVibe helps complete what the iPhone and iTouch are becoming, and makes the feedback for users more responsive!

**Vibration methods**
Application launch, application close, unlock, lock, autolock, volume increase, volume decrease, icon moving, search, power down, power alert, lock/sleep button, lock home hold, lock home tap,lock home double(dbl) tap, lock key pressed, springboard(sb) page move/settle, springbaord(sb) home double(dbl) tap, wifi alert, memory warning, begin sync, cancel sync, dialer keypad, call button, send button, remove sms, start conversation, remove conversation, sms rotation, sms/search keyboard,In-Call Control Pad, In-Call Phone Pad, In-Call End Button, In-Call Hide Button, SpringBoard Dim, All Buttons, All Table Cells, All Nav Buttons.

**Sound Methods**
ConnectedToPower, ScreenLocked, CameraShutter, KeyPressed, ShakeToShuffle, MailReceived, MailSent, VoicemailReceived, PINKeyPressed. OLDSchoolVoicemail, ScreenLock, ScreenUnlock, CalendarAlert, LowPower, UsersChoice (sms-received1.caf)

** I will take requests for items users want to vibrate, and any other ideas. **

- Make sure you have "Vibration" switched on inside the Settings application for the vibration to work properly.
- Make sure you pick from one of the 15 sounds inside the Sounds category for it to work properly.
- Vibration level changing is not in this update

See More Info below for Screenshots