
Changes 3.0.4
- Fixed issue when bossprefs enumerates a toggle that can only be used in sbsettings and tries to run it, bossprefs crashes. This version will load after the crash letting the user disable trying to enumerate toggles that crash. It is up to the user to debug and figure out which toggle(s) caused the error though. This interface may get more advanced in the future.
Changes 3.0.3
- Added in wifi and data IP address to the top of the toggle table. Tap on the row to refresh the values.
Changes 3.0.2
- Removed analytics engine which was causing app crash occasionally but consistently for a few people. Thanks to Jollywombat for all your help on tracking this down!
Changes 3.0
- Rewrite from scratch to support iPhone 3.0. It has many limitations now though. You should use SBSettings instead.
Changes 2.15
- Thanks to Pumpkin of the dev team who figured it out for me, I fixed the 3g toggle to work just like the built in 3g toggle. No more wifi going on or off, no more taking 30 seconds. It's nice and fast.
- Updated the power icon to use the one sent by user Lucas (thanks).
- Added remapping internally into fast respring so now on 2.1 when you add an app and use fast respring, the app will show up. Note that regular respring does not do this.
- Properly signed the app removing the dependency on springbridge to launch apps off the dock. If you updated categories to 2.17 or greater and bossprefs to 2.15 or greater, you can uninstall springbridge.
Changes 2.13b
- Made some code changes that allows for Winterboard to theme the app.
- Updates for 2.1 FW
- Spaced out buttons on power screen to make it harder to reboot by accident.
- Changed the way hiding SMS works to allow it to still be launched via SMS:// protocol.
Changes 2.12b
- Added Killswitch neuter button. This allows you to neuter apple's app kill switch.
- Fixed bug with custom services that would prevent some from being detected running.
- Calling bundles by name to help in theming the dock icons. However, for whatever reason, the theming still is not working.
Changes 2.0.10b
- The 2.0.8b new EDGE method worked great for about 1/2 the people and not at all for the other 1/2. I have added a config option to decide which method to use. It defaults to new.
- Reverted the way the 5 restricted apps and bossprefs get hidden to the older method where they become unhidden on updates. The 5 restricted apps did not work when launched from another app or system protocol like HTML page call. And double tap home for bossprefs was broken when it was hidden. This should work now. On every update, bossprefs will be unhidden, however. Sorry, no fix to this.
- Added IP address to 3g line and fixed edge/3g IP address issue. In 2.0 the network device is renamed.
Changes 2.0.8b
- Fixed issue where settings icon may not be launchable from dock when added (and a couple others if the plist was in binary format).
- Found a better way to toggle edge that works quickly and does not reset the baseband! Now if only I can find the same thing for the 3g....