Activator Listeners for Music app

Compatibility - iOS 12 and above

This tweak adds following Activator listeners:
- Music
- - Dislike Track (Suggest less tracks like this)
- - Like Track (Add track to list of loved tracks)
- - Backward Seek End (Finish seeking backward)
- - Backward Seek Start (Begin seeking backward)
- - Forward Seek End (Finish seeking forward)
- - Forward Seek Start (Begin seeking forward)
- - Go 5s backward (Rewind current track by 5 seconds)
- - Go 5s forward (Skip ahead current track by 5 seconds)
- - Go 10s backward (Rewind current track by 10 seconds)
- - Go 10s forward (Skip ahead current track by 10 seconds)
- - Go 15s backward (Rewind current track by 15 seconds)
- - Go 15s forward (Skip ahead current track by 15 seconds)
- - Go 30s backward (Rewind current track by 30 seconds)
- - Go 30s forward (Skip ahead current track by 30 seconds)
- - Go 45s backward (Rewind current track by 45 seconds)
- - Go 45s forward (Skip ahead current track by 45 seconds)
- - Go 60s backward (Rewind current track by 60 seconds)
- - Go 60s forward (Skip ahead current track by 60 seconds)
- - Repeat All (Turn on repeat all tracks)
- - Repeat Off (Turn off repeating tracks)
- - Repeat One (Turn on repeat one track)
- - Shuffle Off (Turn off shuffle tracks)
- - Shuffle On (Turn on shuffle tracks)

Special thanks to /u/calvin200001 for insistently encouraging me to work on these listeners! 🙃

This tweak is open sourced on Github

Configure events using Activator

No Screenshots for this item

Updated internal code
Updated December 11, 2020
License Free Package
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