App Switcher Controller
- Control your App Switcher

- iOS 12 and above

- Choose Switcher Style (Default, Deck, Grid)
- App Switcher Options:
- - Show Status Bar in App Switcher (enabled, disabled) - iOS 13+
- - Show iPad Dock in App Switcher (enabled, disabled)
- - App Icon (enabled, disabled)
- - App Name (enabled, disabled)
- App Switcher Options (Deck):
- - Allow App Suggestion
- - Card Scale (%)
- - Spacing between cards
- App Switcher Options (Grid)
- - Card Scale (%)
- - Y-axis Spacing in Portrait (px)
- - X-axis Spacing in Portrait (px)
- - Y-axis Spacing in Landscape (px)
- - X-axis Spacing in Landscape (px)
- App Switcher Background:
- - Wallpaper Scale
- - HomeScreen Scale
- - HomeScreen Opacity
- - Blur
- - Dimming

Configure options from Settings.

- Kritanta for macros from stratosphere pull request - it's better to DRY

This tweak is open sourced on Github


reordered code
Added option to hide iPad Dock in App Switcher
fixed issue where "Show Status Bar in App Switcher" option was showing on incompatible iOS version
Updated January 22, 2021
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