Compatible with iOS 12

BatteryPercent12 - a lightweight tweak to show you the percentage without getting rid of the battery icon!

- Uses built-in code from iOS 12, so it’s very lightweight.
- 2 options to colorize the battery (and the percentage) based on current percentage.
- The ability to hide the stock percentage (applies to both CC percentage, and iPad statusbar percentage).
- An option to set a custom color for the percentage, the body and the pin of the icon!
- An option to turn the body color to green when charging (also an option to hide the indicator, since it interferes with the percentage)
- An option to disable it in springboard.
- An option to disable the low power mode color (shows the stock LPMcorange tint when disabled).
- Works on white and dark backgrounds (also there’s an option to optimize it even more for white backgrounds)

Requires a modern statusbar (such as the iPhone X and the iPad statusbar, for older devices use it with a tweak like StatusBarXS from my repo:

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Updated April 11, 2019
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