App language is German

The app let you log your athletic and strength training in the progress and graph this.
With help of the geolocation services it will only allow you to edit the log when you are actually close to your fitness center (<500m).
Using the "check-in" functionality, the app enables in this way personal trainers, athletic trainers or coaches in general
to understand when and how often their proteges were in gym (upload-function to webservice).

Die App ermöglicht es seine Trainingsfortschritte im Athletik bzw. Kraftraining zu protokollieren und grafisch darzustellen.
Über die Geolocation-services wird jedoch ein Bearbeiten des Logs nur ermöglicht wenn man sich tatsächlich mit seinem Handy
in der Nähe seines Fitness-Centers befindet (500m).
Über die "Check-in" Funktionalität, versetzt die App auf diese Weise Personal-Trainer, Athletiktrainer oder generell Coaches in die Lage
nachzuvollziehen wann und wie oft ihre Proteges im Fitnessbereich gearbeitet haben (Uploadfunktion an Webservice).

Set up your gym under "Einstellungen".

Give the adress and push "dort suchen und wählen" to have a choice of "google places" within a radius of 1km of the given address (gyms).
Make your choice.

If you're near your gym (only in this case), press "Einchecken", and the log will be enabled to protcol your exercises.

The app loads and saves automatically local to your phone.
Press "Charts" to have an graphical overview of your progress.

When the app closes, your log will be submitted to our servers, so that you (or your coach) can see your results even there.

Happy muscle building! :)

See larger Screenshots below..

View All Screenshots

- mainly design and input methods changed
- adapted for small screens
Updated August 1, 2012
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