Compatible with iOS 7, 8 and 9

Beep Beep allows you to completely customize what happens when you plug in your device.

With this tweak you can:

- Enable/Disable the charging sound
- Use your own custom charging sound
- Enable/Disable the vibration when you plug in your device
- Prevent the screen from turning on when you plug in your device

Only one sound is included with the tweak: the iOS 6 charging sound. To import your own charging sound, just put your sound file in /Library/Application Support/BeepBeep/Sounds. Then, select it in the preferences.

Beep Beep works also on startup and on respring. For example, if you disable the charging sound, you will not hear it after each respring!

Source code on GitHub

Configure options from settings



- Added iOS 9 compatibility
- The iOS 6 charging sound is present by default again
Updated November 29, 2015
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