Requires iOS 3.2 or higher

If you experience crashing on iPad, please disable the setting "Modify Delete Button". An update to fix this is coming soon.

Delete World allows you to delete a whole word to the left OR to the right of the cursor. You can also delete one letter to the right, and still be able to use the normal delete (to delete one letter to the left)

- Delete whole word to the left by using a Shift + Delete shortcut.
- Delete whole word to the right by using a "123" + Delete shortcut.
- Delete one letter to the right by using a Space + Delete shortcut.
- Three different buttons which will replace the Delete button to show which deletion method is currently in use.
- Holding the delete button will continue deleting intervally using the same deletion method.

1- Enable/disable any or all of the deletion methods.
2- Enable/disable delete button modification (since it may not look good on a custom keyboard)
3- Choose between Multitouch, Sequential Touch, and Swiping for the shortcut method for each type of deletion (Sequential Touch only available for word deletion)
4- Choose between methods of whitespace deletion (only for word deletion)

- May not work as expected for iOS versions less than 3.2
- For users using Voice Over, sequential tap will work better for you
- If you are not sure, try out "Delete Word" (free) first

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iOS5 Compatible
Updated September 6, 2012
License Commercial Package
Suggested Price $ 1.00
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