EasyStrings uses Winterboard so its easier for the average user and so it wont mess up your phone.

This tweak allows you to change 54 strings on the phone to personalize your phone as you wish, it also supports 16 different languages.

Being as this uses winterboard and is set up so you do not severely injure your phone ifile is required for set up.

browse through ifile to

themes> easy strings> bundles> com.apple.springboard> your language (english is en.Iproj) > springboard.strings

Then edit and change strings to taste.

be sure to save changes and respring phone for edits to be applied

This tweak allows you to change strings on your phone without editing the main springboard.strings file to ensure you do not cause irreversible damage to your phone.

Apply with Winterboard


Updated March 15, 2013
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