System-wide parametric equalizer (and more)

Compatible with iOS 7-14. checkra1n is recommended.

EQE Forums

Remember to run uicache after installing!


Control Center integration
1. Add rpetrich's repo:
2. Add Julioverne's repo:
3. Install FlipConvert
4. Go to Settings>Control Center>Customize Controls
5. Add "EQE: Main controls"

Automatic preset switching

1. Install Activator
2. Press Anywhere and select a trigger (ex. Connected to Car)
3. Press build on the top and select + Run Command
4. Enter anything for the title, and enter eqe core "eqe.load 'preset_name'" for the command (replacing preset_name with the exact preset name)
5. Press save, then press done
6. Scroll down to find the action you created, and tap it to assign it

Here are the commands you can run through activator:

load preset

eqe core "eqe.load 'preset name'"

global toggle (affects everything)

eqe core "SET_ENABLED(not GET_ENABLED()))"

flatten EQ (remove all bands)

eqe core "eqe.flatten()"

toggle compressor

eqe raw "compressor.enabled(not compressor.enabled())"

toggle crossfeed

eqe raw "crossfeed.enabled(not crossfeed.enabled())"

For more info, join the EQE forum

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Fix eqed crash

Fix Spotify sometimes crashing
Updated August 12, 2021
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