One thing that Apple could have put more detail into, is notification banners. Why do all of your banners have to be boring black and white?

FlagPaint is a new tweak by HASHBANG Productions that will color your notification banners based on the app that is notifying you. FlagPaint is so smart, it even supports the colors of themes, so if you theme your device, no worries. FlagPaint will intelligently match the colors of your theme.

This package is a free/lite edition that only supports tinting banners with a solid color. Purchase FlagPaint to gain access to more features, including a banner design by Sentry, now playing album art support, semi-transparent banners, and more.

Say "Hello", to FlagPaint.

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- Fixed a bug that caused test banners to appear when the home screen appears

-Added pro screenshot and description

Updated February 6, 2013
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