Compatible with iOS 4 and 5

Do you have a WinterBoard theme enabled that has a folder/multitasking background, but the background isn't changing? This is your solution! Simply run FolderFixer, enable the theme in WinterBoard, and respring. It only takes 30 seconds.

FolderFixer works by deleting a cache file. A cache file basically holds files (in this case the foldertasking image) to make something (the folder) load faster. but when you enable the theme, the system is still trying to load the cache, with the old background, instead of the theme's background. By deleting the cache file (by running FolderFixer), it will be forced to load the actual file (the theme's background) instead of the old one. It will then make a new cache file with the theme's background in it. Note that if you remove the theme with the foldertasking background, you will have to run FolderFixer again to get the default foldertasking background back.

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New, decent-looking icon
Retina support
Supports all iOS versions 4.0+ (incl. 5.1.1)
Updated June 3, 2012
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