Requires Retina capability and iOS 5+

Digital clock+weather for iMatte v5 HD

Digital Clock + Weather widgets for the lockscreen and springboard. Comes with a slideshow version for the springboard too.

You can install this package independently of the main theme.

Usage: Choose the lock and springboard wallpapers from Wallpapers in Settings app. You will need Wallpaper JPEGifier for this to work tho. Configure the widgets by editing the configureMe.js file sitting in the root of the appropriate theme directory. There are explanations inside the script, and also a readme.txt to fill some more details.

Enable above the main theme.

Apply using Winterboard settings

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5.4 update:

All images crushed with pngquant. 40-70% reduced file size, also easier on the device's ram.

Updated July 21, 2012
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