Requires Retina capability and iOS 5+

Siri-compatible ColorKeyboard theme for iMatte v5

This theme works on both Siri and non-Siri keyboards on iOS4&5. With custom Siri and keypad (the keypad you get when you enter PIN in the settings) backgrounds.

It is only compatible with qwerty type keyboards, and is built on the layouts based when the globe icons is showing (meaning you have 2 or more keyboard language installed). If you have non-qwerty, chances are you can change the layout of your language to qwerty and still use the theme and keep your language and spell-checking etc, working. If you have only 1 language installed, I suggest installing a second one, like Emoji.

This package requires you to have the ColorKeyboard package.

You can install independently of the main theme.

Usage: Go to ColorKeyboard's preferences, and select the iMatte v5 theme. Don't forget to choose the assorted popups as well!

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5.4 update:

All images crushed with pngquant. 40-70% reduced file size, also easier on the device's ram.

Keyboard background less noisy.

Updated July 21, 2012
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