Requires Retina capability and iOS 5+

MusicBarExtended theme for iMatte v5

MBEx allows you to bring up a fully themable music player, anywhere, that controls the iPod player.
What's nice about it's theming capabilities, is that it can be made as thin as the statusbar, or take the full screen, with anything in between! This one worked so well out of the box, it never was updated since it got created. That certainly tells a lot, since it still works perfectly.

This package requires you to have the MusicBarExtended package.

You can install independently of the main theme.

Usage: Enable the theme anywhere in Winterboard, and respring. If you never used MBEx, don't forget to set up an activation method in it's (or activator) preferences.

Apply with Winterboard settings

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5.4 update:

All images crushed with pngquant. 40-70% reduced file size, also easier on the device's ram.

Updated July 21, 2012
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