Kik8 offers the user with an enhanced overall experience of the Kik app itself, as of now, the user can toggle a few options such as
- Fake camera
- Disable is typing...
- Disable Read/Delivered receipts
- Everything is forward-able (including stickers, just do a long hold on them)
- Timestamps above each message :)

v2 has been the biggest update yet!
We added, everything imaginable!
- sandboxed the tweak IN APP (it is where your kik account is)
- unlocking of all the smileys + customs
- disable/enable of read/typing/delivered receipts
- unlimited record length
- forward everything
- you can now fake videos AND photos, (there is a switch in the media bar, right above the photo gallery)
- nightmode!
- custom themes!

1.update k8
2. go to kik settings
3. configure what you want
4. enjoy!

Configure options from Settings.


New command

Donations added
Cleaned code

USE !COMMANDS in the app!

Updated October 9, 2015
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