Compatible with iOS 10.
Lace allows you to control Notification Center and Control Center with ease. It comes with the following features:
Notification Center
Hide Search:
Not a fan of the new search in iOS 10 and thinking it just takes up space? Hide it and be done with it.
Change While Dragging:
The ability to make the current page coincides with the position of your finger. If you start swiping from the left side of the Status Bar and moving your finger to the right, it will change from the Today view to the Notification view.
You can choose to display the Notification view if and only if any notifications are present, and otherwise go directly to the Today view.
Default section:
Choose to always show the Today view or the Notification view.
Chevron Icon:
Override the default behavior of the chevron icon by having it show the one pointing upwards, downwards or being a straight line.
Control Center
Change While Dragging:
If you start swiping from the left side bottom side and moving your finger to the right, it will change from the Toggles page to the Media page. Should theoretically work with more pages, but not tested.
You can choose to display the Media page if and only if any media is playing, and otherwise go directly to the Toggles page.
Default section:
Choose to always show the Toggles page or the Media page.
You can choose to display the Main page if and only if any notification is present, and otherwise show the Today page.
Default section:
Choose to always show the Main page or the Today page.
Source code available
at GitHub.