Requires iOS 5 and Siri capability

Translate to over 30+ languages using Siri. Created by the CodeThemed team, designed by Mazalthan and developed by TheNickF

To use, say to Siri: "translate something to [language]" or "what's something in [language]". For example, "what's how are you in Spanish?"

Full list: supported languages

Note: No icon is added to your home screen, and no settings are available for this tweak. Simply install, respring, and talk to Siri.

AssistantExtensions will be installed

See larger Screenshots below


- Tap any translated text, and it will be read aloud that language.
- Copy translated text by tapping and holding
- Improved phrase recognition, added "How do you say [words] in [language]?".
- When translating to Chinese, you are now prompted to specify Simplified or Traditional.
- Added example usages to Siri's help section.
- Added support for translating to Bulgarian, Catalan, Hindi, Persian, Hmong Daw
Updated August 29, 2012
License Free Package
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