Compatible with iOS 5 and 6

MAME4iOS Reloaded is developed by David Valdeita (Seleuco), port of MAME 0.139u1 emulator by Nicola Salmoria and TEAM.

MAME4iOS Reloaded emulates arcade games supported by original MAME 0.139u1.

This MAME4iOS version is targeted to A5 devices, because it is based on a high specs 2010 PC MAME build.

Anyway don't expect arcade games of the 90 to work at full speed. With some games that are really bad optimized (like outrun or mk series) you will need at least a A6 device. This is related to MAME build used, since it is targeted to high specs PC's as i said before.

This version doesn't have an UML backend ARM dynamic recompiler, which means drivers based on high specs arcade CPUs won't be playable (it has not sense since this games will be slow in any case).

This version emulates over 8000 different romsets. Please, try to understand that that with that amount of games, some will run better than others and some might not even run with MAME4iOS Reloaded.

Tips to help performance: use lower quality sound or switch it off. Disable stick and buttons animations and disable smooth scaling also.

MAME4iOS support iCade controls and Sixaxis or WiiMote controls utilizing BTStack. Also supporting TV-Out natively and peer to peer Netplay over WIFI or bluetooth.

Official web page for news, source code & additional information at iMAME4all project

After installing, place your MAME-titled zipped roms in /var/mobile/Media/ ROMs/MAME4iOS/ folder. MAME4iOS Reloaded uses only '0.139u1' romset.

This package comes with no games included. Do not contact the author for ROM images. This is an emulator, and requires ROM images. No ROMs are included.

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-Added Peer to peer netplay multiplayer over WI-FI or Bluetooth.
-Options menu reworked.
-Added Vector defaults options.
-Added Emulation speed and thread type options.
-Sixaxis fixes. Some other bug fixes.
Updated May 16, 2013
License Free Package
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