Compatible with iOS 9

Live weather information on the weather application icon and status bar.

Meteor seamlessly integrates into iOS and the Apple's weather application by bringing live weather details direct to the icon and status bar. All of the condition icons have been recreated by hand in resolutions for all devices.

•Live weather details in weather application icon, with animated transition between temperature and condition changes.
•Replace weather application icon text with current condition.
•Enable/Disable custom icon or status-bar icons (or both).
•Temperature status-bar icon with optional temperature unit display.
•Weather condition glyph status-bar icon.
•Customise status-bar icon positions (left/right).
•Customisable refresh delay.
•Ability to use local weather (this requires that the Weather app is able to access location services).
•Celsius and Fahrenheit support.

Battery usage: Meteor has been extensively tested to ensure that battery life is not decreased.

Configure options from Settings.


•Bug fix: Status-bar icons not appearing in sandboxed applications.

•Fixed crashes for users on iOS 9.0.x.

Please note, libstatusbar (<= will not work on iOS 9.1 and greater. However, libmoorecon may be used in place of libstatusbar. libmoorecon is not officially supported by it's developer and thus no guarantees can be made to its stability. It may gain support if it is published to a default repository.

•Feature: Select city from preferences, independent of Weather app.
•Feature: Disable temperature unit on icon.
•Improvement: Rearranged preferences.
•Improvement: Allow substituting libmoorecon for libstatusbar.
•Fix: Issues with temperature unit have been resolved.
•Fix: Prevent status-bar items appearing when this feature is disabled.
•Fixed: Safe-mode crash when using Meteor's preferences to respring on iOS 9.3+.
•Fixed: SpringBoard will crash when opening the weather app.
•Fixed: Some other, minor, forgotten bugs.
•Other: Code refactor.

Updated August 15, 2016
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