Requires iOD 4.0 or higher

Fully-featured, FREE iOS file manager. THIS IS THE WORK ON WHICH IFINDER IS BASED. But that fork is just a fork. THIS IS THE ORIGINAL PACKAGE, even though it was submitted/approved later.

MyFile is a free and opensource file manager for iOS devices. Originally developed by Árpád Goretity (H2CO3). It has a lot of important and cool features to flexibly access your files on the go. I kindly ask you to donate to be able to continue development (donation link is further below)

For iPod import to work wih iPhone 4 users, plase see the in-app manual or the corresponding sections in either libgpod or MFMusicLibrary.

Developers intereseted in making plug-ins, please see GitHub for detailed documentation.

For iPod library access, you'll need to generate a HashInfo file. The process is not trivial but easy. Please read the About and Help sections in Settings!

MyFile is meant to be a free alternative for file managers on iOS. As such, I promise that it won't ever go paid. I just kindly ask you to donate, to be able to continue development with more recent Apple devices. I believe in free software, do you?

Please consider donating if you liked this app.

See the Screenshots below.

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New in v1.6-3:
updated French localization; corrected chmod bug that precented some people from browsing the entire filesystem; added recognition of .caf audio files
Updated November 21, 2011
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