Requires iOS 5 or higher

NCDate is a Notifications Center widget that adds the time and date to Notifications Center. Easy to configure in settings with many options such as widget height, font size, font color, and font family. You can choose between 24 and 12 hour clock.

BE WARNED IT DOES NOT WORK WITH LOCKINFO OR INTELLISCREENX. It will not crash it but it may not show up and it will NOT refresh unless you respring. It only refreshes when you pull down Notifications Center!

Notification Center addons must first be enabled from the Settings app, in the Notifications panel

When changing settings and using LockInfo, you must respring for changes to take effect

Configure NCDate options from Settings app


-Fixed refresh bug where if you don't pull NC all the way down and let go, it crashes
-Added refresh switch to save memory
-Works better with LockInfo
-Shouldn't need to change settings to work

When changing settings and using LockInfo, you must respring for changes to take effect

-Added Font Customization
-Added Widget Height Customization
-Took away zero's when time was less then 10 ex 1:00 PM instead of 01:00 PM

Updated April 18, 2012
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