Quickly switch apps with a single finger movement, using a beautiful interface.

Reminisce holds up to 5 of your most recent apps in a tray of sorts that you activate by dragging your finger from the edge of the screen and holding the drag - releasing it when you are over the icon for the app you want to launch.

Although simple in the implementation, you will find yourself using Reminisce over and over again without even noticing it.

Not so much an app switcher as a recent apps switcher, Reminisce is not designed to replace the current app switcher by any means, but rather serve as a convenience for switching to a recent app.

Reminisce comes with many options to configure how it looks and behaves, from the animations to the colors, you can mess with anything.

Tested and working on 6.1.2.

If it seems slow to open, this just means you are swiping down slightly when attempting to activate it. Try enabling "Up/Down swipe to open" in Reminisce -> Behaviour.
On older hardware, having blur, linen and dim enabled will most likely cause some lag due to the high CPU usage it requires.

Configure options from Settings.

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Added in swipe actions assigned under the Behaviour settings, either lock the device or exit to the homescreen from within an app.
To use the swipe actions, open Reminisce via the built in swipe method, and then swipe down/up and release at the very top/bottom of the screen.
Kill switch for the swipe actions.
Logic cleanup.
Math cleanup.
General code cleanup.
Fixed small issue with 4.5" display devices.

-Fixed issue on the CDMA iPhone 5

-Added a toggle to disable activation on the lock screen.
-Fixed bugs relating to activator support, no longer should have the crash to safemode/not opening issues some people had.
-Math changes throughout to give a more fluid feel.
-Swipe up/down to open now keeps Reminisce open as requested.
-Added in a default icon size dragger, so you can specify the size of the icons in Reminisce (the grow animation does not use this however, for the sake of looks).
-Fixed the twitter link for Andy.
-Sensitivity option, you can now adjust the sensitivity of the built in swipe, this should fix issues people were reporting of it causing issues with certain apps.
-Fixed app label position and code, now looks better.
-Settings change handling code, doesn't require a respring/reopen of Reminisce for most of the options to take effect now.
-Added the following animations for icons and icon labels:
--Bounce Up
--Bounce Down
-Favourites option - specify the apps to use in Reminisce instead of using the recent apps.
-Should stop hidden apps such as FeildTest from showing up in Reminisce.
-New tracking method/animation method, should be smoother and faster/less memory intensive to use now.
-New settings pane images by Andy, as well as slight changes to the layout/text. General changes/improvements throughout the code, animation improvements for minor things, and logic changes.

Updated September 9, 2013
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