1.实时通过网页掌控手机信息,如手机电量,手机是否开启wifi,本机号码有没有变化等手机基本信息 。
2. 实时通过网页查看手机位置信息,并支持历史定位。
3. 支持远程设置手机密码锁定手机。
4. 支持远程操控手机报警。
5. 支持远程设置手机重要短信转发。
6. 支持隐藏软件图标功能,让你的手机处于隐形保护状态 。
7. 支持远程发送消息到手机。
8. 支持远程备份通讯录,远程备份重要短信,即使手机不再你的手里,也不会因为手机数据而苦恼。
9. 支持远程查看通话记录,帮你避免错过重要的未接来电。
10. 支持通过网页操控手机拍照。
11. 设置解锁失败拍照(解锁失败三次即拍照上传)。
12. 支持远程录音。
13. 支持短信远程操控手机 。
14. 整合"口袋模式""包包模式""静止模式""充电模式"四种新型防盗功能 。

************The Four Anti Thelf Modes to protect your phone from being stolen or lost!
************Finding Lost Phone Feature to minimize losses or even help you to trace your lost phone back!

This app will take advantage of IPhone`s various build in sensors to automatically detect whether your phone is in safe or not and trigger a loud alarm sound if it thinks not.

This app will ask user for a preset password immediately when some unsafe status has being dectected,if none correct password has been gotten,the phone will goes actually alarming after 5 seconds.

*Still Mode:
The Still Mode uses the device`s build-in campass to detect direction change, any even a very slightly movements opon the device will trigger a alarm.

The Bag Mode uses the device`s build-in Ambient Light Sensor to detect the illumination change,once the phone is taken out of the bag,the illumination change will trigger a alarm.

*Pocket Mode:
The Pocket Mode uses the device`s build-in proximity sensor to dectect if the device is closely detached to something,once the phone is pulled out off the pocket,the proxmitity sensor will dectect it and trigger a alarm.

*The Charge Mode only works when the phone is connected to a usb charger or a PC,once the app detect the phone is disconnect from a usb charger or a comptuter,it will trigger a alarm.

Finding Lost Phone Feature:

*********You can take control of your phone by sending commands through web console or SMS.

*On website you can:
Get phone`s current base information(battery level,phone number,carrier,signal strenth,wifi switcher...)
Get the precise location of your phone and trace the movement path.
Take photo & record voice silently in background and send back to server.
Lock your phone with a password,Take photo sendback to server after unlock fails.
Prevent your phone from being power off untill battry dies.
Send a text message to you phone, which will shows on your phone`s screen.
Make a alarm sound.
Upload phone`s data back to server(SMS,address)
Check your phone`s recent call history.

*By using SMS you can:
Get a notification sent by your phone when SIM card changed.
Get all SMS forward to a preset mobile phone number.
Lock&unlock your phone
Ban power off
Enable GPRS & EDGE & 3G network

*only IOS6 supported,more firmware supported latter
*only chinese language supported,more langueage supported latter

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Bug fixed
Updated June 28, 2013
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