MobileSubstrate extension that allows to control status bar icons from background daemons

The SpringBoardAccess provides access to SpringBboard functionality for non-GUI applications such as background daemons. So far, it allows to add and remove icons to the status bar by name.

The icons already have to be present in /System/Library/CoreServices / and be named "Default_NAME.png" and "FSO_NAME.png" similar to the existing files. The FSO files are used with a black status bar, e.g., in the SpringBoard, the Default icons are used when the gray status bar is shown, e.g., in normal apps. A SpringBoardAccess-test command line utility is included for testing. To toggle status bar icons from a background damon, check out SpringBoardAccess.h in the SpringBoardAccess component of the BTstack project at For more info please join the BTstack developer mailing list."


Support for ARM64 devices
Updated January 6, 2014
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