- iOS 9 Support
- Screen flickering after notifications fixed
- getting screenshot on QuickUnlock fixed
Support iOS 8.3
- Single doesn't work on Lockscreen fixed
- Vibrate not working inside Shazam or stuff fixed
- Override vibrate not working fixed
- Compatible with Lockdown pro
- Short hold to sleep bug fixed
- And many performance updates
** There is a known issue with HomeScreenDesigner on iPhone 5S **
- Single tap not working after screenshot fixed
- Device vibrates after unlock with Biolockdown installed fixed.
Check out the development status of VH8 here
- QuickUnlock bug fixed
- Fixed Single tap conflict with SpeedyHomey
-Glitch after unlocking phone fixed
- Single tap bug fixed
- Override vibrate setting fixed
Long and overdue update is out! Sorry for the delay.
- Vibrate in silent mode
- Tap and hold to screenshot
- Aeternum bug fixed
- Homescreendesigner fixed
- Siri doesn't stop listening fixed
- Multiiconmoved fixed
- Call on lock screen bug fixed
- Single tap stopped working after screenshot fixed
- And many small bugs reported by users fixed
- HomeScreenDesigner conflict fixed
- Vibration not working fixed
- Handle accidental touching TouchID better
- Single tap options
- AppLocker support
- Flipswitch support
- Doesn't depend on Applist anymore