Compatible with iOS 7, 8 and 9

VolumeSlider is a tweak that replaces the annoying stock HUD that overlays over the main part of your screen with a beautiful and simplistic volume slider. Who's idea was it to put it there anyways? :)

This is why I decided to create VolumeSlider. It brings a drop-down slider that can be dragged to change the system volume. The slider displays the current system volume, and it always in sync with your device. It can be triggered by a simple volume up or down button press, just like the stock HUD. It will slide down from the top, and if nothing happens, slide back up. You can also tap on the HUD to hide it.

The VolumeSlider supports landscape orientation as well as showing if the ringer is on or off. It looks right at home on any device as it blends in nicely with the rest of iOS. It is very customizable, and can be configured from a preference bundle in Settings.

I hope you enjoy this tweak!

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Updated with iOS 9 compatibility!
Updated November 13, 2015
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