This item is now free.

Compatible with iOS 6.x
Tested and verified to work on iPhone 4 with iOS 6.1.3!
Not compatible with iOS 7/8

Watchscreen is a complete Home Screen replacement for your iDevice!
Enjoy the all-new not even public Apple Watch Home screen directly on your iPhone, iPod touch or iPad!

-Complete Homescreen replaced!
-Round icons an icon layout
-Reimagined badges
-Rearrange icons easily just by tapping the Watchscreen icon on your Home screen
-Adorable animations
-Incredibly good performance (It runs SMOOTHLY on an iPhone 4!)

Planned Features:
-Improvements for iPad (depends on the amount of testers)
-Support for later iOS Versions (2.x)
-Folders (1.x)
-Delete icons easier (1.0)
-Most-used to the middle (1.0)
-Zooming (1.0)
-Even further Improvements and features (Always)

Notice: If you cannot afford to purchase watchscreen please DO NOT USE ANY ILLEGAL CRACKS FROM OTHER REPOS!!!
This is really mean and you are missing your chance to test an exclusive beta build of watchscreen because you did not ask me to gift watchscreen to you.


This item is now free.
Updated February 7, 2017
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