Compatible with iOS 9

Zephelia is the ultimate YouTube client for iPhone. ¿Ever wanted to download your favorite videos and convert them to MP4 or M4A AAC format? Now you can do it.

- Look for the video you want to download.
- Press the download button.
- Choose video resolution or convert it to audio.
- Wait for the finished notification to appear.
- Export the video/audio file to your favorite app.
- You're done.

Forget about downloading music from your computer and having to move them to your iPhone. With Zephelia you can download any video you want and export them to any application that supports playing video or audio files.

Why is Zephelia better than any app you can find?

Simple, Zephelia provides a very simple UI that can be used by anyone who can read, so you won't have to deal with complicated interfaces and waste time learning how to use it.
The way Zephelia is coded makes it one of the fastest YouTube apps. This is accomplished by creating small files, so forget worrying about disk space! But don't get confused, 'small files' doesn't mean 'low quality files'. All videos are downloaded with the resolution you choose and keep the audio quality that YouTube provides.

Special thanks to @iMokhles, Zephelia wouldn't have been possible without him.

Please follow @INQInquisition on Twitter.

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Update 22-09-2016: Fixed bug that prevented Zephelia from running correctly on iOS 9.3 devices. Introduced a built-in player for videos and songs.

Bug fix 17-09-2016: Fixed a bug that didn't let users dismiss the 'Licenses' view controller.

Updated September 22, 2016
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