
(Updated for 3.0)

Love to use MxTube to download your favorite YouTube videos? Accidently delete those videos or have a 2-year old in the home with less-than-perfect button-to-swipe coordination? If so, MxBackup is the perfect way to backup those precious YouTube videos and restore them. With MxTube, you can back the videos with the click of the "Backup" button and restore them with a click of the "Resore" button. Each click luanches the "" and "" shell scripts to perform file copies. Output from the shell scripts are displayed in the terminal window so you can view the results.

By default, copies the videos from '/private/var/mobile/Media/MxTube' and backs them up to '/var/mobile/backup/MxTube'. Restore does the opposite. These scripts can be easily modified to switch the names of the backup directories or even FTP them off to a network server.

For suggestions, feedback or source code, do not hesitate to contact me at

