
Tired of listening to Sleep Cycle's music to wake you up? Tired of missing the alarm because their mp3's do not wake you?

SCMusic allows you to graphically fix this problem using either Safari or any other place you may get your mp3 sounds/songs from and using those to replace the Sleep Cycle current sounds.

I use this myself and is being used on an iPod Touch 2G and an iPhone 3GS.

Please Note: You MUST have Sleep Cycle installed as it is the whole basis of this app. You can find it on the App Store for $0.99

GSquared/GSquaredSolutions is in no way affiliated with Sleep Cycle or its developers.

New in v1.1:
- Instead of telling you the filename it is replacing it will tell you the name in the list of sounds.
-Fixed some things in the How-To
-Fixed a few lines of code implementing the backup feature

See More Info below

To wake up to your own music, first ssh an MP3 onto your iPhone or download it via safari/other internet enabled app and take note of its location. Then, open this app and type the location of the MP3 you want to put on your iPhone. After that, select which sound you want to replace in Sleep Cycle using the numbers 1-8. Hit the Apply button and wait until a confirmation pops up. Exit the app and go try the same number you replaced in the list of sounds in Sleep Cycle and it should be your MP3. Consider donating if this app helped!